Anyone stayed in a job that they hate?


I started in my job January last year. I LOVE the industry I work in, but the place that I'm at is becoming unbearable :( when I started last year, I endured through certain things, power trips from my boss when the director is around yet split personality and acting like my best friend ever other day of the week, degrading comments from this particular director, when I've attempted to notify my boss of a mistake made that impacted my job directly, it was blamed on the guest and swept under the carpet and I then had to deal with cranky guest anyway. List goes on but I don't want to vent. While I get paid well for the job, I weighed the cons and pros and began looking for other jobs when I found out I was pregnant. I decided to stay because I knew I had the security of a steady income. I'm now 25 weeks and it's getting ridiculous, I was 10 mins late to work yesterday (I'm never late for work as much as I might not look forward to work) it was the second day back for school and public transport was packed. The day before I'd also fallen (thankfully baby is okay) but I was moving a lot slower. I was made to feel guilty for needing the day off before when I fell and no understanding what so ever of god forbid being a few minutes late from something out of my control. Any advise on how to cope over the next few weeks, I did go to counseling for depression after being at the job for about 6 months and discovered the company and mines morals just conflict and hence why I started a new job search. I can't wait to go on leave with the bub and not go back, I can't use a glass of wine to destress 😂 and I'm finding I'm worrying about these things on my day off 😕 sorry for the long post! Just need advise, or anyone stayed in a job when they've found out they're pregnant?? Much love to all 😘