So unhappy

I have such bad self confidence, i am so unhappy with how I look, apart from the fact I am mega pale which has always been an insecurity of mine, ive learnt to ignore it most days. But I have spots on my chin, not loads but many like 4, but they are big and scab over, looking disgusting.

My worst problem is my hair. I cry so many times a day because i just look and feel hideous because of my hair. Its been black for 6 years, but I am naturally blonde. I HATE black hair on me, where im so pale it doesnt suit me and ive never liked it but I cant find a hairdresser who will fix it. One tried once and my hair turned to chewing gum basically.

So ive been growing my hair out because i want it red, like a dark burgundy red. I grew it out for 7 months, then used a colour stripper on the ends and then dyed it red. The top section of my hair is red, the rest is still black and it looks awful but i spent so many months getting to this point, i dont want to dye it black again just to make it one colour. Its also in horrific condition even though i wash and brush it and try take care of it, it falls out everywhere and takes me 20-30 mins to brush because its always matted.

I just dont know what to do anymore, how can i teach my children to grow up and love themselves when they have to watch their own mother hate herself.