We got to see our little active 9 week baby today ❤️

Ebony • Believer 🙏🏾. Wife 💍. Travel enthusiast 🌍. Mental Health Social Worker......Pregnant with #1👶🏾❤️ expected 9/7/18.

Today the hubby and I had our first trimester dating ultrasound. Due to my irregular periods, we weren’t completely sure how far along I was. We thought I was just going on 8 weeks but after baby was measured, we were calculated to be 9 weeks. Our baby was really active, moving around and wiggling its little arm buds and leg buds. Also, the heart beat was a strong 167 bpm 💪🏾. We both cried together when we seen all the movement and the heartbeat....I was so excited to see the baby movement because I haven’t had any signs or symptoms of pregnancy, besides the absent period (I.e no morning sickness at all). Reading the information from the internet and forums had me terrified about my lack of morning sickness; it had me scared about the health of our baby. I just have to remember that while general information is helpful, every pregnancy is different.

OAN, we’re expecting our first little bundle of joy on 9/7/18 👶🏾❤️. We’re ready to give he/she all our love.