Is a little emotion and appreciation too much to ask for?


Our 10th wedding anniversary is on June 11th. Usually we do not get eachother gifts because it is right in the middle of off season and money is usually tight. So, I started saving a little money here and there so I would be able to get my husband something special.

His father passed away about 14yrs ago, he misses him, he dreams about him, they were like best friends. So, I contacted all of his family trying to find a picture of him... any picture. FiL I guess never liked to smile because all anyone had were really angry looking pictures. I finally found a cousin who had a picture of his father smiling.. I downloaded it, and off on ETSY I went. I found the most awesome item that I had them put his fathers face in it and on the back it says Always With You. I couldnt control myself because I was SOOO excited Bout this, that I gave it to him early.

Lets just say the reaction I got was not what I had anticipated.

I was hoping for a hug and an I Love You.. possibly a I cant believe you did this.. Thank You..


All I got was, "Wow.. thats cool, Thanks Babe"

After all these years I dont know why I expected anything more.. but I am just a little hurt.. not "mad" per se... just hurt and kind of disappointed. I spent so much time and thought into exactly what I wanted to get him.. spent so much time trying to find the perfect words to say to him before he opened it... and it almost felt like I gave him a new pair of slickers or if I just got done washing the laundry and I was putting it away.

IDK... I am probably just over reacting due to lady business being here.