Anyone else bi-polar & pregnant, or depression??

I just turned 24, and my boyfriend is about be be 24 as well. Last year we decided to ttc & then I went through a surgery because I had a HUGE cluster of 5-6 cysts on my left ovary & one on my right ovary. After I was healed a month later, we started trying!! I was very accurate with my ovulation test kits and verified that with my OB, but after 7 months of disappointment I decided to take a break because it was very emotional. The next cycle when we had stopped "trying" happened!! :) 
As of yesterday I am 8 weeks!! At 6 weeks we had our first ultra sound and saw the heart beat at 112 beats per min :) 
I am bi-polar 2, I am on depression/anxiety meds and also a mood stabilizer that's also used for seizures! I went to a genetic specialist to see if my meds would need to change and luckily, mine are a low dose & safe!! However, they did say that they may have to INCREASE my meds because they are absorbed quickly when my body is producing so much extra blood. Hormones are already crazy enough, but the first 7 1/2 weeks I was a mess!!! It got to the point that I asked myself why I wanted to be pregnant?! And if I could continue this pregnancy or not! Now at 8 weeks when the placenta is working and taking over hormones, I feel quite a bit better!!!!! Almost back to my normal self!! But does anyone else have bi-polar and gone through this, or is going through this? Any help would be awesome! 
I wanna know how you felt, what your outcome was? Even if you just have anxiety or clinical depression?