My Man made me feel uncomfortable

So I watch lesbian porn, but I’m completely straight. Well he made a comment about me being lesbian and thought it was funny to make fun of me about it and now he’s got me scared like what if I’m lesbian because I get off by watching women even though I’ve only ever liked men. I had an incident when I was 6-7 years old where a girl made me lick her and told me it was a game, I also played imaginary boyfriend and kissed my friend when I was younger too. But it was never sexual attraction. Idk I’ve never had any incident that made me feel sexually attracted to a woman or anything like that but now he’s got me thinking I’m not normal for getting off to two woman and that maybe deep down I’m lesbian. So now I feel like it’s not normal for me to watch lesbian porn. Have any of y’all had situations like this? Again, I’ve never had any sexual attraction to a woman