Cycle day 49 no period ...

So i have PCOS, lately my cycles have been pretty regular (28-29days ) especially now that i have been losing weight. ( which isn’t a recent thing since I’ve been dieting and going to the gym for months now ) now for the first time in 6 months im on cycle day 49 and yesterday i went to the bathroom and after i peed ( sorry guys TMI ) i wiped and there was some clear/brownish discharge that went away after i wiped a couple of times and haven’t seen it since then but before this i had experience a good amount of clear discharge. Now i kinda feel like i have a rock for a uterus but no other symptoms. Im hesitating on getting a test because im just tired of seeing the BFN! Is anyone else going through this ? Could this be my PCOS ruining my life again ? Could i be pregnant ?