Fore/hind milk question


Hi ladies.

I am an exclusive pumper and I am struggling with figuring out if baby is getting what she needs in regards to fore and hind milk.

Since I pump, once the milk settles I can see exactly what it looks like. There is very little fat near the top of the bottle. It usually looks like mostly fore milk.

My baby's poops are VERY liquidy. They are not full of mucus or blood or anything. Just look like liquid. She also pees a lot! Again this is making me think that I have an imbalance of milk.

She has been gaining weight, but dropped from the 50th to 30th at her last appt. dr was not concerned though since she was still gaining weight.

Any suggestions or others who went through this? I'm wondering if I should add some formula to her milk?

Baby will not go directly on breast, so any of those suggestions won't help. 🙃