I look like a teen mom 🙁

I brought my 2 week old daughter to the doctor today. This is the second time meeting this doctor. She told me she didn’t know how to talk to me at first, because I look like I’m 14. She saw my wedding ring and asked how old I was.

I should have said, “yeah well you don’t look like you were born in the 1940s.” 😒Which would have been a compliment to her, but you get the point... (We received a packet with the doctor’s age and credentials)

I had a few friends growing up that were teen moms. I have nothing against being one,but I’m in my mid 20s. Since being pregnant a lot of people have assumes I’m in my early teens! I’m assuming it’s because I put on weight and I have chubby cheeks. Growing up I looked like I was in my 20s since I was 14.

What’s happening!? How can I look older? I’m so embarrassed at the moment!! 😭