Need to vent


So as this is my first pregnancy I’m excited and overwhelmed, I am very well aware it’s still early in the pregnancy but my husband and I are trying to get stuff done as we are gonna be busy this year. A few girls at work know cause my nausea has been bad and they know it’s a secret. But trying to talk to them about stuff as you are excited and have no one else right now to talk to. So talking to them this morning about how we got the paint for the nursery and new outlet covers. We’re slowly working at the nursery since my husband hates painting and I wanna get it done while I have time as I’m going to be bigger and busier soon with my cousins bridal shower, the bachelorette party, wedding and such as I’m in the wedding. My coworkers told me it’s too soon to paint and I’m obsessed. I’m just annoyed who tells a pregnant person they’re obsessed with their baby?! I get it might be early but when we have the time and money to revamp our guest room we want to get it done less to worry about when I’m bigger and busy with the wedding. Am I obsessed and doing things too early?! I’ll be 6 weeks tomorrow. Thanks sorry about the rant!