We finally did it....


I cannot believe that I'm getting to write this....i finally finally got a BFP!! Tested on Tuesday morning and got a faint positive and have tested every 2 days since then and that beautiful line is getting darker!! After being told by doctors that my chances of conceiving without assistance was low, after suffering with endometriosis and having it lasered out, after suffering from ovarian cysts and having to go have surgery last summer to remove fibroma from my uterus and a miscarriage almost 5 years ago... it finally happened after so many years trying!! Going to see the doctor next week and hoping for an early scan as only 4+6 weeks! Ladies please never give up, every time in the past few years I've seen any kind of fertility doctor I've left the office in tears and feeling depressed, this time I'm hoping to leave with tears of joy!! baby dust to you all and wish you all the luck in the world!!