

Hi ladies I posted yesterday as well need some advice if anyone has experienced the same thing. I have been doing opks since CD 8 had ewcm for 4 days and very watery cm a few days before on CD 14 and 15 had ovulation pain but never got a positive. only on CD 9 when I tested I remember seeing a very very faint line but w asnt sure if it was my rules never actually got a positive and today is cd17 just tested again and still negative. we bded on CD 8, 14 and 15 going along with ewcm and ovulation pain but I'm hoping I am not ovulating late or didn't ovulate. I am always 28 days with my af and due af on 15th Feb. I'm just hoping for a nap for valentines day but how with no positive ovulation???? any help advice will be lovely.