against my better judgement

i have been semi irregularly hooking up with my boss. (I KNOW.) ive never done sexual things w my coworkers, let alone BOSS before, its a recipe for disaster.

and its not that...things are going badly. its not that he treats me poorly or anything like that, in fact we get along very well together at work in a coworker/friend way.

its just that...i think im starting to like him. im really annoyed about that. hes...12 yrs older than me, he has his life more together than i do, (although im not a mess or anything) so i just feel kind of inadequate. i think he likes me as a person, and respects me as an employee. but i dont think that im the kind of person hed DATE. idk...just makes me a little sad, but i cant say that i didnt already know i was on a path to nowhere with this from the start. i dont know what i should do. i dont want to rock the boat too much to see if he likes me in a romantic way, and then make things all fucked up at work. sigh.