

My Lo didn't sleep well last night, which mean, I was up all night as well 😪. I tried to sleep when he finally did but by the time I emptied my bladder and climbed back into bed, he was fussing again. I guess he had gas pains or something, however, gas drops nor gripe water worked 🙁. At 4am (his regular feeding time) he was up and more fussy than usual, he was drinking and crying, that's new. I changed him and cuddled him close, hoping for relief but by 9am, he had only taken cat naps and wouldn't stand for me putting him down. By 11am, my eyelids were so heavy, I fell asleep while feeding him 😯, his bottle falling to the ground brought my 12yr old in, who offered to take him so I can get some rest but an hr later and he was still up, crying and fussy. So, back to mommy's tired arms. It's now 1:17pm and he finally fell asleep after walking, swinging, singing, and my own tears 😔. I wanna go to sleep, need to go to sleep but I have a paper to write, my youngest daughter's hair to wash and braid, my kitchen needs some TLC, my 5yr old needs his mommy for EVERYTHING!!, I still gotta figure out dinner for tonight, I'm pretty sure I have laundry in the washer or drier and my husband isn't home 😭. I know I'm not the only sleep deprived, busy new mother but I thought I'd share in hopes of reminding others that they're not alone but we can do this,m we've done this.. now let me get to work, he's wiggling his butt 😩