Help ladies!

I have been stressing about this for the past couple of days. I just can’t even stop stressing. This isn’t my first pregnancy scare but now I’m starting to really get worried. So my boyfriend of 6 months, we decided to have sex, before he put the condom on he had cum on his penis, and I had some on my hands. I didn’t touch the top of the condom, all thought you hands were pretty dry. So he put the condom on, and I got on top, but we I did not go all the way down on his penis, and sex at least lasted 30 seconds because I got off. Condom never broke or slipped ( filled with water ), and he never came. I know the chances are like 000000.01% but I really just freaks me out. About 2 days ago (12 days ago past sex) I think I saw some spotting or it was just in my head. Like I wiped once, saw nothing, then wiped again and saw something real pink. But then I started looking back at it and it literally disappeared from my eyes. I had cramps that day but only in the morning, after I saw that “ spotting “. My cervix is open and low, and getting harder as I get closer to my period. My period is due in 1 day, tomorrow. I broke out a couple days, which happens before my period, and anytime I get closer to my period is get less and less white lotion like discharge and that’s been happening. Can you ladies please put my mind at ease 😩😩