Something's not right...


Okay ladies, I normally have a very normal period schedule. I have however been exstreamly lucky and haven't have but maybe mild cramps every so often. Well this month I had my period it was 2 days late. I didn't think anything about it because occasionally it is a day or two late. Well when I did get my period I had horrible cramps! I mean I was in tears never had so much pain in my life. I couldn't stand up straight due it it making the pain worse! Well on top of that my period was only 2 days of bright red bleeding and then a brownish blood started in the middle of the second day. I have had a misscarage and never experienced anything like this. We have been trying to conceive our second but idk. Something just doesn't feel right and I'm worried if I am pregnant that something is wrong. Please any advice on what to do will help