
So I started seeing this guy in Dec & we had drunk unprotected sex on the night/morning of Christmas (which was also the last day of my last period & he came inside of me). I didn’t think much of it being that I was so intoxicated until he did it AGAIN later that night. We got a plan b on the night of the 26th. Had sex again on the night of the 28th & the morning of the 29th (pulled out but I was fertile then & no plan b).

Fast forward to the next week... my nipples were extremely sore and I was cramping. Even spotted on the Jan 3rd, but in my mind I just thought these are all symptoms from the pill.

My period is officially 21 days late today 🤦🏽‍♀️ with zero period symptoms 😩😭. I took my 10th pregnancy test a little while ago & got blood work done on the Jan. 24th. They all came back negative (one test from Jan 18th didn’t read accurately. Attached below).

I have my annual appointment with my OBGYN scheduled for this Weds Feb 7th but I keep freaking my self out by reading stories of women who got several negative results and were pregnant. My best friend took a plan b last year and still ended up pregnant 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

P.S: I’m 24 & this is my first pregnancy scare