Grandmother passed..


Hello. Recently my step-grandmother passed. Her son was my step dad, but he waisted me since I was 4, so we never included the step part, I was always just Daddy and Nana. We were close for a time, however after I had my baby she began accusing me of leaving her out and ignoring her. She insulted my husband and kept on about me keeping my son away, so not knowing what to do I actually started ignoring her. That lasted about 9 months. A few months ago, it got to where we would talk in Facebook comments however no actual make up was made. 3 days ago she passed away. I have no idea if she knows how much I actually loved her. I hadn’t told her I loved her since before the fight. I miss her terribly now that the option to see her isn’t there and the fact that she passed while possibly believing I didn’t love her or her being mad or disappointed in me kills me.