Did you know the honey we consume and buy in the grocery store is fake?


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Depends on what you buy. I’m guessing you watched rotten recently? Lol


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Spend the extra money & help a local business.My FIL had a mid life crisis last year, bought a shit ton of bee's and was able to get some 10/10 honey because his wife's garden was immaculate and full of fruit. Best honey i've ever had. I also really like another local places blueberry honey.


Misha • Feb 6, 2018
I’m trying to find bees but it’s been a fruitless search so far 😭😭


Natalie • Feb 5, 2018
Love your response


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“Fake” honey is just different types of sugar. Sugar is technically real, so it isn’t actually “fake” anything. They’re allowed to call it honey because government regulations allow them to “get away with it,” it happens to more food than you think.


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Majority is. That’s why I buy local honey


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Please support your local beekeeper :) their honey is better anyway!


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Depends on what brand you’re buying.


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That’s why I buy local honey. Eventually I’d love try and have my own hives for honey. But not all brands in the store at that way.


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Yep, but it’s not all honey. You just have to read the labels and make informed purchases. Same with maple syrup.


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Buy locally not in a grocery store.


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After watching Netflix's Rotten and What the Health, I don't know what to believe about food anymore!


💐 • Feb 5, 2018
do research and find out the truth about your food$!


🤙🏻 • Feb 4, 2018
Oh jeez. 🙄


尺ㄖ • Feb 4, 2018
Lol those documentaries are so entertaining