Could I be pregnant ? Help 😩

Ladies.. so let’s say I’m very young. Below age of 15. I made a mistake and had sex. It just happened so fast. My period is due today. And it always comes in the morning. My last cycle, my period was 2 days late because I ovulated late. I had sex 15 days ago. (Jan 20th). We used a condom, that never broke, or slipped, he pulled out, I only stayed at the top on his penis and like halfway cause it hurt. And it really only lasted 20 seconds. Before he put on the condom, he came. This was like at least 5 minutes before we started having sex. My semen was dry, and there was some on my hands, but also dry. I touched the bottom on the condom and that’s it. Please help me put my mind at ease. I am freaking out. I know the chances are like 0 but I’m still so worried, please help.