Should I be worried?

So, I am on birth control, the patch, which obviously means my fiancé and I are not trying to have a baby right now.

So three weeks ago for two weeks we went on vacation and I forgot to bring my patches with me. We were sexually active during our trip but we figured I still had some protection in me. When we got back I started my patches for this cycle.

Well, now I'm just feeling like garbage. I had very light and brief spotting last week. Now, I'm feeling sick everytime I eat, very crampy, headaches, very tired, and some constipation. My period is not coming because I just started my cycle of patches. Maybe my body is just getting back into it's birth control groove?

I don't know if I should test or not. But I also don't want to wear a patch if I'm pregnant because it can hurt the baby. Ugh. Am I looking too much into it?

Also:...forgot to add, I have a lot of white creamy CM normally, like is just my norm, and its like triple in quantity.