7 Days Late

I’m going to be a little long winded here, so please bare with me.

Back in December I had my IUD removed due to complications after about 4 years. During that time I had no periods, but my first period after removal started right around the time I use to start each month prior to having the IUD. Then my second period came on time, with no issues, so I was expecting my third would come without complication, but it hasn’t yet.

As of today I am a week late, my doctor told me after 5 Days to take a pregnancy test, and it was negative, but I took it later in the day. So this morning I woke up and took one first thing, and it was negative as well.

So my question is, has anyone has similar experiences after having the IUD removed? Or should I be taking another pregnancy test and how many more days should I wait to take it?

Thanks in advance for all the advice!