Facebook and other social media

Lindsay • Married to a wonderful man! We got married April 4, 2015. We are now TTC #1 and we are super excited and very hopeful!
I gotta say, I am kind of tired of seeing the circumcision/ ear piercing/ vaccine/ abortion etc topics on Facebook. What YOU chose to do with YOUR child/ body is YOUR choice. Posting all of these articles about vaccines being the cause of autism and circumcisions being mitilation etc will not change my mind on how I will raising my children. I try not to post stuff on Facebook because because I don't like the drama and having to defend my beliefs. That being said, I will not post my views on the topics as this was intended to rant a little and let out the frustration I have from these silly disputes. What you wanna do with YOUR child is fine by me because it's just that...YOUR child. 😊