43 Days Late and Negative Tests

I’m a 17 year old high school senior. I conceived on Dec 21, just two days before my expected cycle. It never came obviously but my cycle’s been pretty regular. Only time it’s ever been late was when I lost my virginity and when I got off birth control earlier last year. Other than that it came every month. I took two test recently (4-5 weeks late) and they both came back negative. I’m 7 weeks late now. I tried going to the doctor but it’s a $50 copay and I spent all my money on college applications and exams. No nearby clinics I can go to and if I am pregnant I definitely want abortion (please don’t fight me on this). But first thing first I need to know.

Also: my cycle is never thrown off by stress and I myself am not stressed. I’ve had full on anxiety attacks and my cycle still came so idk.