So im not sure how to tell my Boyfriend whats bugging me. Hes in LA visiting campuses and he made the comment that " It's been interesting, I feel more motivated to do well in school" and " Yeah we just left UC Santa Barbara, and I hadn't really considered going there till now ". Im worried hes going to leave. We live 50 miles apart right now and he comes and visits me once a week, if he can. Im planning on going to Mills College after im done with junior college, so it will make us closer to each other but know he is thinking of going to college down south after hes done with 2-year college. I dont know how to tell hime this buggs me. I thought about not telling him, and just letting him go bc thats what you do when you love someone, right? We've only been dating about 2 months now, but I'm falling more and more for him and I havn't told him.Please help!