This app has changed...

When I first started using glow 7 months ago I was really excited to meet a group of ladies, I use that term loosely, that had the same goal in mind, to get pregnant. It seems now the tides have shifted. What once use to be a safe place for women to ask questions and share stories has become a bitter, resentful, discoraging forum where, not all, but some women come to insult, degrade, and talk down to others. Everyday I get on it seems another women has been ostracized because her faint line was "too dark" for someone else in the hpt room, or they use the forum to pick fights with other women about topics that have nothing to do with getting pregnant at all. Free speech, they have rooms for that I get it, but it has become abundantly clear, again, why most women don't get along with each other. The catty remarks and sarcastic belittling is redicolous. It's hard to stomach that some of these women are trying to reproduce. I get there are rules, so a quick polite response would probably be better received than "you're growing a penis" as one response read. I'd like to ask these women, weren't you raised better than that, but I can clearly see the answer to that question myself.