5 days late.

My period comes on the first of the month and if not the second and always in the morning. But as you can tell from the title of the post im 5 days late and I woke up to no blood. The days in teal are my ovulation days and the hearts under the numbers are days i had unprotected sex. I had cramping all night on the 18th and into the the next few days but didnt think much on it until that monday when I had a switch in cravings. I absoultly hate sweet things and love spicy ans hot things but that completly flipped. i went to dinner with my family and order hot wings but as soon as they came out i got nauses from even the smell I only ate one piece before i gave up and ate my sisters pizza. When i got home i ate a pack of cookies and been eating a ton of other sweets since. At that point I had this nudging feeling that i might be pregnant. i was going to mention it to my boyfriend but we have had some pregnancy scares and i didnt want to get him all caught up if not nessacry. we had unprotected sex again on the 26 whixh was not an ovulation day. I took a pregnancy test 2 days before my expected period and the test came out negative but my friend said i had taken it to early and i was reading and it said to wait till a week after your missed period. about 30 mins ago i noticed discharge alot like eggwhites and my back aches alot. What do you think? pregnant? Not pregnant? Should I see a doctor?