Early pregnancy?


I’m gonna try and include everything and I may ramble because I’m really worried.

I’m newly engaged so it’s not like a one night stand or not ready or anything. I just need some answers. I know to just take a test but I know that most of you here know more than I do about implantation bleeding and whatnot.

8 days ago my fiancé and I had sex and he finished inside me. I was ovulating at the time. Yesterday I had some spotting which is rare for me to have breakthrough bleeding. I don’t start my period for another 2 weeks. I’m 3 days past ovulation.

This morning when I woke up the bleeding got a lot heavier. Not quite period heavy, but enough to make me question if it’s implantation bleeding.

The other symptoms I’m having is I’ve been really moody lately and my nipples are extremely sensitive, I’ve also been having heartburn and indigestion.

Questions I have:

When should I take a test?

Is this implantation bleeding?

Is this normal?


Went to the doctors and the urine test for pregnancy showed up negative, but he did blood work to check for pregnancy or a possible miscarriage. He is concerned about a miscarriage because of the heavy bleeding and how it’s not normal for me to have breakthrough bleeding.

My symptoms have been increasing.

My boobs HURT SO BAD.

I feel like I have a balloon in my stomach and I burp up everything I eat.