Working while pregnant


This is gonna be a long post, sorry. Today I went into work for the first time in 5 days. Sunday I went to the ER for being dehydrated and puking so much they finally gave me zofran. I work in a nursing home taking care of people and my job will tell me things like you don’t need to lift but then puts me on a section by myself with 15-20 residents who are all very very heavy. Which I have no problem lifting if I have help and use proper body mechanics. But today during breakfast I felt like I was gonna pass out. I’ve been so sick for over the past month. I’m 13w1d. And I told my boss I wasn’t going to make it through the day that I felt terrible. She said it was fine and to go home. But the co worker I was working with gave me shit about leaving(she’s like twice my age and always rude)

But I asked her if she wanted help with anything before I go so I wasn’t just leaving her hanging. And she said no just go home( but with an attitude and also called me lazy) then of course I got upset and started crying because I’ve been trying my hardest and busting my ass more than most people I work with. But being sick every day and puking for like a month straight has been pure hell ( all for a good reason I know) so the lady in Human Resources gave me FMLA papers to take to my doctor because she said I will definitely qualify. I just don’t understand why people have to be so fucking rude all the time. Mind you I’ve worked here for 3 years, rarely ever call off. I’ve called off 3 times in the past month from being sick. Buts that’s been it all year. And they’re trying to make me feel bad because I feel like I can’t do it. I barely have gotten out of bed for the past 5 days because I’ve felt so miserable. Idk what to do. I want some advice. Has anyone ever gone through something like this? I don’t have to work my fiancé makes enough for me to stay home but I wanted to work longer than this. Should I find an easier job? Idk 😐