I’m hungry but don’t have the appetite for anything😌

Ebony • Believer 🙏🏾. Wife 💍. Travel enthusiast 🌍. Mental Health Social Worker......Pregnant with #1👶🏾❤️ expected 9/7/18.

Ever since I hit my 9 week mark on Friday, I’ve been hungry more frequently BUT I don’t have the appetite for anything. Everything smells gross to me this week and I don’t have the appetite for anything. For example, I’m a meat eater but the smell and thought of meat has been making me nauseous this week. I’ve been eating because I have to but it’s been tough to get stuff down. With the exception of soup broth and peaches w/ cottage cheese, which are the only things I’ve been getting down easily....has anyone else experienced this at any point in their pregnancy? I hope this issue doesn’t continue into next week.