My faith is in God



Went to my 10 week appointment yesterday. She couldn’t find a heartbeat πŸ’—. Then proceeds to me she doesn’t she any blood flow going to baby, but scratching her head says the baby is measuring exactly 10 weeks. I’m not sure when it happened.

I’m not giving up on my baby and your not going to take my hope. I haven’t had any signs of a miscarriage starting. No cramps or bleeding.

I need encouragement even tho I know Gods got me and has a plan for all of this. Sparkle you baby dust this way cause I know miracles happen everyday.

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Posted at
Did they do an ultrasound?


Re β€’ Feb 8, 2018
One last thing, if you wait for it to pass without any help, you run the risk of infection.


Re β€’ Feb 8, 2018
I know its hard to come to terms with, but you need to get there. If the baby was measuring at 10 weeks with no heartbeat, that is a clear sign the baby is gone. I am so sorry. I have been through 2 miscarriages and the last I lost at 6-7wks. It happened naturally, I just started bleeding and then cramping and then the contractions came on and it was very very painful. If the baby is gone at 10wks and you have no cramping yet, that means it could take up to 2-4weeks for your body to pass the pregnancy. And that could be very physically and mentally painful. At 10wks I highly recommend you get a D+C. It sounds like you are a believer in God, so am I. But I dont think God would want you to go through something very painful and unpredictable. Thats not to say if the whole pregnancy does not pass, they would have to do a D+C anyway or give you a medication to help you pass it. Once again I am sorry, just know that its ok to grieve and there is no time limit. If you need to talk, I am here


Tamyia β€’ Feb 8, 2018
Yes I go back next week to check my levels. She gave me the options of a pill, procedure or letting it happen natural. I told I’ll let it happen naturally and I don’t want to give up on my baby just yet. I’m leaving it in God’s hands. Maybe the position of the baby she couldn’t find one so I’m staying hopeful


Posted at
This actually happened too me my baby was growing 10&3 when we went but no heartbeat...they assumed it was a missed miscarriage and took me in for a procedure the next dayβ˜ΉοΈπŸ’“


Carlie β€’ Feb 8, 2018
I understand that I was also 16 and devastated I had no idea what was going on I just listened too the drs... I wish I would have been able too just continue and see what could have happened


Tamyia β€’ Feb 8, 2018
I’m not giving up on my baby. I’m pose to be 11 weeks and I told them I will let my body do what it does naturally I’m not taking no pill or procedures.


Carlie β€’ Feb 8, 2018
I also had no cramps nor bleeding sending lots of loveπŸ’“


Posted at
Sprinkling baby dust, love, and prayers! πŸ™β€


Posted at
Prayers for a miracle.