Revealing wedding dress


I’m such an alternative person. Being from the south I’m expected to be a lady and cover up, but I’m proud of my body and love wearing things that make me feel good! It’s not a “oh I️ need attention” type thing for me, but rather a “damn I️ like how this fits and makes me look”. Not many women feel comfortable enough or bold enough to wear these types of dresses, especially on their big day, but I️ don’t see myself in any other type of dress. I️ feel these aren’t childish or trashy dresses that look like a night out, rather so classy yet sexy! My day, my wedding, my style, my body!! I️ say if you feel beautiful and your SO isn’t uncomfortable then why not ☺️ This is my style, what’s yours? Is there a specific style you ladies would prefer on your big day?