1 in 1 million?

1 in 1 million is what the doctors told me last week.
At almost 21 weeks I developed a serious infection in my uterus, starting leaking fluid and almost died from sepsis. We lost our baby Ava and the biggest heartbreak was when they did an US right before I went in for emergency surgery... she had a strong heartbeat and was bouncing around like normal. It was absolutely devastating. 
I had a fever for 7 days, was in the hospital 5 and honestly thought I was going to die. 
They have no idea what caused the infection but haven't ruled out listeria. Hopefully we'll get some answers when the pathology report gets back. 
I'm grateful to be alive but I feel like she was ripped from me. I had an ideal pregnancy, felt great, followed all the rules, baby girl was healthy and then this happened. 
We want a family so bad but I'm terrified of being pregnant again. 
Has anyone else had chorioamnionitis? Or an infection of the uterus being the cause of loss? Has anyone else almost died with their baby? I feel so lonely.