Freaking out. Went for “6”week check up


And according to the sono I have just a sac. Ive watched it go from thickened lining, to a tiny tiny start of of sac to what looks like a nice nice sized sac.. I have been going since I got my positive bc I had a mc in aug. My doc thinks I ovulated later than I think. Lmp 12/27 - 1/1.I got a postive test on 1/18. My question is anyone have a good outcome from something like this. It was not the news I was expecting. basically will know Next week if I’ll have another mc. Tuesday this week I did have what feel like Braxton Hicks but he said it could have been anything from things being pushed up to gas etc. i have been drinking a crazy amount of water and has a few bowel movements but since then my belly doesn’t seem quite as hard sensitivities to smells are better but my boobs are still killing me and still don’t have an appetite. So makes me wonder if its the water is making my belly like that. or if it’s happening again feeling so bummed