Find someone who never makes you feel insecure


My ex, who I seriously don’t like, made me feel like shit all the time. He was mentally abusive. I went on BC for us and I gained 30lbs and he would always say how I need to lose weight and stop eating. I was so blind by the fact of what he was doing cause I thought he loved me. I know I was never fat, but when someone who you thought you loved says something like that, it makes you believe it. So the first picture is of me a year ago when I was still with him, and the second picture is of me now, feeling so much more healthier and happy to know I don’t have him in my life. Even the “diets “ I was on never worked. I honestly believe the weight I couldn’t lose was because I was in such a toxic relationship that I was trying so hard to lose the weight to make someone happy. My current man makes me feel so beautiful and reminds me everyday how great I look.