Diclegis and exhaustion


I’m grasping at straws lately. I am sick all the time. All the time.

I’m a busy RN and my co workers expect tip top performance at all times. RN’s you will understand that pressure. That is three 12 hour days per week, except that I am always asked to come in early and not even asked but required to stay late. So at least once a week I’ve been there from 6am to 9pm.

I’m also an NP student and I graduate in December. So that adds two 8 hour days for clinical AND grueling coursework and testing.

I have been taking diclegis at night and gradually have been able to sleep without getting up. But I’m exhausted and nauseated during the day. To the point where I can’t concentrate and I’m scared I won’t be able to keep up. I have zofran for day time but it makes me more constipated and tired than I already am.

Suggestions? I have done every ginger thing I can think of. I’m not even taking my vitamins this last week.