A mess

The father of my 2 children 1 child in heaven and 1 year old is younger has a drug problem in and outta jail and has abusive so I left and met this guy who seemed great and all these things then started being controlling and just no good I was going to leave and I told him one more chance his ex cheated on him a lot and while we were together still he got a bump on how penis and he has a history of skin problems like hives in all areas anyway he got a herpes blood test done and I had left before the results found out I was pregnant could be his or the father of my other children I’ve kept in distant contact with this ex bc one he could be the father of my child and two I need to know the results of that test I know for a fact he knows them but I’ve asked multiple times and he will not tell me he will either lie and say he doesn’t know or completely ignore the question...legally he has to tell me right? I’m having my doctors do another test on me (I know for a fact I was std clean before I got with him and I was at my first pregnancy appointment) also he knew his ex could have exposed him to herpes which he didn’t tell me until after he had that bump and he told I could have been exposed at that point we used protection after the bump appeared no sex unprotected and no evidence of herpes or a rashes was ever present when we had sex...I don’t know what to do I’ve contacted his mother and said I need the results and I deserve to know I’ve also remessaged him and threatened taking him to court if he doesn’t give me the results and proof of them...he didn’t respond His mother responded with I will talk to him but I know she knows...what do I do? Should I call my doctor again? Should I stop trying to contact them and attempt legal action? Is there a data base for ppl with sexual transmittable diseases? I’m worried I’ve only been with a small amount of ppl in my whole life and before this ex I was the father of my children for 3 years and no one else he did cheat once but with someone I knew and know for a fact is also clean...I’ve not had any bumps or any rashes or any signs but only symptoms I know is the bumps and flu like symptoms but I’ve had neither of those. I just I’m so lost rn I’m 16 weeks Monday single and alone and this whole ordeal idk what to do.