Husband's younger coworker is inappropriate...

So my husband works in the pharmacy at a Walgreens. He was originally trained to work in the photo department, so he occasionally works in that area, too, when it's busy. Anyway, there's this 17-year-old girl who works with him in photo sometimes. She's been working there for about 8 months now, and she's gotten a little too comfortable with my husband. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I'm not usually like this. This girl just really annoys me.

First of all, she is really flirty. She asks him questions about me a lot, and asks "how the marriage is going". I assumed she was just a little weird, so I've let it go.

Secondly, she texts him every single day. She looks for stupid excuses, like "where does the vitamin blah blah go?" or "can we return a broken doodaa?". It's really ridiculous. When they're actually at work, she pages him up to the front a million times a day and insists on taking her break at the same time as his, even though he sits in his car alone and calls me.

So this is where the line is officially crossed.... The other day, my husband gets a text from this little girl, asking about the chances of getting pregnant after having unprotected sex. She went into great detail about her encounter sans contraception. My husband has told her that he's not comfortable with all the texting, but that obviously didn't stop her. So I texted her back (with his permission) and briefly told her that the morning after pill works for 72 hours, the sooner the better, etc. She apologized saying she didn't know who else to ask. THE PHARMACIST?!

They worked together yesterday, and she told him that she "didn't appreciate" my husband telling his wife about her. Excuse me? I don't appreciate this 17 year old little girl talking to MY 26 year old HUSBAND about her sex life! Or just about any other personal information for that matter! He's expressed to her several times that he's uncomfortable, that I am uncomfortable, that her actions are inappropriate, and that she has crossed a boundary. He can't be, and doesn't want to be, mean to her but this is getting ridiculous. What should I do? Do you think this was innocent?

**I'd like to mention that my husband has been entirely open and honest with me about this, and I trust him 110%. I'm not worried that any of this is reciprocated. We have a very healthy, trusting relationship.