2 back to back chemical pregnancies

I have been getting IUIs performed since February. 2 were unmedicated and the past 2 were medicated with femara. The last cycle I needed ovidrel and was placed on progesterone suppositories to help sustain my pregnancy. Both medicated cycles I became pregnant, had positive tests and then wound up finding out a few days later it was a chemical pregnancy. I'm feeling so defeated and so sad. I have an appt with my fertility dr on Monday to discuss options beyond medicated IUIs if they continue to not work. I feel like I may need a break this month for my metal state as I don't think I could handle another chemical pregnancy again for the 3rd time in a row. But I also feel like I'd be ruining a perfectly good chance to try again. Have any of you decided to take a break from fertility treatments during your cycles and if so, how did you handle it?