Hoping this helps girls understand when to test/ why it's best to wait


I hope this helps a few girls on here because this is a widely misunderstood concept. (My aunt is an obgyn and explained this to me when I started TTC). Once an egg is fertilized it still takes SIX days to travel down and implant itself in your uterine lining. After that it takes 1-2 days for your body to start producing HCG or the pregnancy hormone. So the earliest you can test and get results, and the earliest you'd get symptoms, is day 7-8.

However, implantation can occur anywhere between day 6-12 past ovulation. So-- if you test on day 7, but you don't implant until day ten, no matter what name brand fancy test you have, you are going to get a negative because you technically aren't producing HCG yet or even "pregnant" yet! This is why it's best to wait until after your missed period. You can buy the most expensive, early results test out there, but if you haven't implanted yet, you will always get a negative. This is why it's best to wait until after your missed period, which for most women occurs after 14 DPO and should give you accurate results!! Wait it out ladies! :) I got my BFP at 16 DPO!

Good luck!