I don’t know whether I should keep my baby or abort it?

am 24 years old and have been with my boyfriend for 4 years off and on . I am very in love with him but we have a very abusive relationship. He is mentally and physically abusive and 33 years old and i know that if i decide to keep my baby he will not support me. I am currently 8 weeks. i was terrified to tell my bf bc he has pressured me into abortion in the past. He wants me to get an abortion bc he says we are not ready yet and that he wants us to have a relationship first and do all the fun things together that we have yet to do. and that i agree with him on. And he wants me to finish college. i have unfortunately had 2 abortions in the past and regretted them terribly. he is nervous about his family and how they will react and about his 2 sisters one knows about the abuse and almost called the police on him.he doesn't know how he's going to tell them. i made an appt for an abortion but im having second thoughts now.im scared that keeping it could possibly ruin my future . I am scared to tell my mom although she says she will be supportive she was so angry with me last pregnancy.please help!