Kids have slapped cheek syndrome - 15 weeks pregnant

Dannielle 🌹🇬🇧 • Scarlett 💗 George 💙 Ella-Rose 💗 Insta: mummyblogz

I had to take my kids to the out of hours doctor today as they came out in a bad rash! And it scared me! Doctor reassured me it was just slapped cheek syndrome - parvovirus B19.

And it was fine aslong as I wasn't pregnant.. which I am!

He said I needed to go and get my blood tested to see if I was immune and if not if I had the virus as it can be dangerous in pregnancy. So I'm going for bloods on tuesday.

Has anyone come across this before or had experience ... im worried as it says online it's dangerous in weeks 9-20 and I'm 15 weeks. Hoping and keeping fingers crossed results come back that I'm immune!!! X