7 weeks 4 days


Took my paraguard IUD our 11/28.

my last period was 12/20/17

found out I was pregnant ...1/16/18... 4 days before my missed period.

went to the doctor 1/23/18...Doctor attempted via an abdominal scan to see something and we saw nothing.

She sent me for blood work which revealed that on 1/23/18...my HCG levels were 741 ... 2 days later is was :1116.

went back to doctor on 2/6/18... doctor attempted to see baby via abdominal scan ... we only saw a sac.

she AUTOMATICALLY assumed ectopic or non viable, she didn’t offer any other possibilities

... scheduled me for an emergency transvaginal 2/7/18 which revealed that my tubes were fine and there was a Yolk Sac. my HCG levels were @ 9234 as well.

The nurse called me and said they couldn’t do another ultrasound for 11 days ...

my question is do you think this is a viable pregnancy ?

Your thoughts ?

I am freaking out and honestly the doctor doesn’t necessarily make me feel better. Thoughts please ???