dog shit


so i have a pit shes about 5 i think and last year she had a slipped disc that caused her not to beable to use her back legs for a period of time well shes mostly normal she can walk and run (its not really a normal walk she kinda walks to the side ) but idk if she cant feel when she needs to poop or if she cant control it but she is always and i mean multiple times a day pooping in the house and its driving me nuts and it stinks shes been to the vet and the vet is surprised shes even able to walk again but idk what to do to help her control her poop i can only do so much due to my living situation atm and im just so sick of having to keep picking up her shit. she will literally come in from out side go into the bedroom and shit. i let her out multiple times a day and leave her out for a bit but it still happens im at a loss