spotting 5w


So I think I jinxed myself by telling my mom on Saturday that I was pregnant because I started spotting yesterday. It was super, super light and dark brown, but then last night while my husband and I were at Wicked, there was a tiny bit of red blood when I wiped. This morning it's back to being dark, brown. I'm 33 and this is my first pregnancy.

We had sex on Saturday, and I know it's possible that my cervix was/is super sensitive but I'm still worried. My nausea was horrible yesterday, I never puked but I could barely eat more than saltine crackers.

Now I'm just waiting for my doctor's office to open in 1.5 hrs.

UPDATE: going to the doctor at 10:30. Still feeling extremely nauseated, I tried eating a piece of peanut butter toast but only managed half of it.