Retrieval Day Today!!!!

Sherry • 35, here we go again!! Getting ready for IVF in Sept 2019!! This will be IVF Baby #3 for us 🤞🏼

So glad the stims are done!!!!

We said our prayers...time to divide and conquer!!!

Just for fun....but why didn’t hubby fix my sock so we could see the R??!! 😂 men...

See that number on my hand??!!! 16!!! 16 eggs!!! My 20 month old daughter (

<a href="">IVF</a>

baby #1) is so happy! We told her to say baby and she cheese-ed it up for the camera!!!

Patiently waiting for the call from the embryologist tmrw with the fertilized #!!!!


Thank you all for your sweet comments!

The embryologist called!!! 11 fertilized!! This is less than I had hoped but I am SO SO grateful!! Praying for their healthy development & good quality!!! Next call on Thursday 2/15/18!!!


Starting the crinone 8% progesterone gel today. In my 1st cycle in 2015 I started it at the same time, 2 days after retrieval, I had 2 okay quality embryos and put both in & it was successful with the birth of my now 20 month old. The crinone made me feel so blah and tired and nauseous only a few days in (maybe 3 or 4 days after transfer). But then with my last cycle, in October, I felt nothing at all. It was not a successful cycle, we had only one okay quality embryo and it didn’t stick :(

Coincidence? I know I’m prob just reading too far into things but just curious what your reactions have been to the crinone?? Also in the past I’ve done it at night and now they have instructed me to do the morning..any idea why or if he time of day matters? Thank you ladies!!

**UPDATE #2**

Requesting lots of prayers please!

Just got my day 3 phone call...all 11 are poor quality...2 of them are 6 cell (should be 7-8 cells by now). They are keeping the rest for now but will likely be discarded. They will call me on Saturday morning and tell me if we have one to transfer or not. Saturday is supposed to be transfer day. So I guess we will see what happens. Please send prayers.

**UPDATE #3**

They had us come in for the transfer! So that’s good news!!

**UPDATE #4**

God is SO Good!!!!!! The embryologist came in and said that we have 2 that are viable for transfer. They are still earlier than preferred there's a chance!! She said that there is one more that may develop more overnight but it's not likely.

So I told my dr that I would rather transfer that little one than risk losing it tmrw....after lots of discussion...she agreed!! So we transferred 3!!

Praise The Lord!!!!!! We are ecstatic!!

But don't worry too much..bc of their low quality my odds of triplets is only 5%! Twins is only 20-30% and for one we have a 50% chance!!!