SAHM with dog problems PT 2

I read all of the responses and some were extremely rude. Especially to those who commented about my 4 year old daughter... Yes, I care more about her than some dog. I didn't explain every single detail, so don't talk shit about how I didn't train it. 
When SHE was a puppy, and we went to Petco that night we got her, we bough puppy pads. We put them all over the apartment. By the doors, bedroom, her bed, etc. she pissed and pooped everywhere still. 
People here are saying that I didn't take the time to train it, when I was the one who taught the dog commands, and taught it how to crawl, and roll over. Lol. I trained it to pee and poop outside, at least I thought I did. That dog is more mine than my husbands bc im always with it, 24/7 and I'm the one who is responsible when it comes to feeding her and walking her. The dog has issues. Not me. I put in my part. I did what I could, I finally spoke up to my husband and he gives me shit for it. Yet he's not the one taking care of the dog HE wanted. I am. I cook, and clean, take care of our daughter. I have my own business that I'm trying to run. I can't be on my laptop for more than 1 hour advertising or doing what I do without worrying if the dog shitted next door. Every time I clean my house, the dog comes and shits on the carpet I just vacuumed. What kind of shit is that? That's why now, every time I wake up, I walk her and leave her outside. I bring her back in to eat, walk her, and keep her outside. I'm not putting up with this anymore. I'm also not putting up with people on here thinking I don't do shit about it. She was being crate trained but she destroyed her cage! It was a plastic one. She bit it and made a huge hole. I'm telling ya, that dog has issues. We can never leave the house to enjoy our day off (Sunday) without worrying about her on top of the couch, or if she's taking a shit inside. We also have a cat, and that cat gets fed, and he walks to his litter box to do his business. He's no trouble. I posted on here to get advice on how to handle the situation. Paying for a stupid trainer is not an option. We have bills to pay, car payments, daughters school, and dance lessons to pay for. Next time someone comments on here asking for advice don't run your mouth talking shit acting like you know the situation 100%. I explained that the dog shits here and there. I explain that the dog gets walked by my husband and then by me within the next hour or so.. Not that I only walk it once a day. She gets walked at least 5-7 times a day. My SILs dog gets walked twice and has never had an accident inside the house. Nor in her crate. Our dog use to shit in her crate and would whine her head off bc she didn't wanna be in it. I agree to those who say we should rehome her. Thank you for those comments bc I agree. The only issue is my husband not wanting to get rid of HIS dog, that he barely takes care of.