Very Very Happy!!!


For those of you who don't know I had my first miscarriage at the end of November, and at the beginning of December. I am pregnant again but by accident, and I do not this this was a mistake. I have so many questions like "what did I do wrong to cause that miscarriage? Was it hormones, I was too active, or maybe I slept wrong. Maybe it just wasn't the right thing at the right time." But no matter what I am so very very thankful for these wonderful people who have been here for me and helped me threw this. The ones that have prayed for me and that baby. I'm thankful for the people who have read my posts and been able to answer with helpful answers, because with out you i might not have been able to make it threw that heart breaking event that happened. So thank you for every thing and God bless all of you who have to go threw things that are not what you want or asked for. Just know it all happens for a reason and we are all here to help you on the journey together.