Is anyone else estranged from their parents?


I’m 28 and my mom and I used to be super close, until my ex came along. He was in the military and with his job we made plans to move when he got stationed in different plans. I was going to be a military wife, despite being divorced at 24 with a cheater who married me for his green card unbeknownst to me. We had a whirlwind relationship and I moved states to be with him, to have my parents cut me off - my mom forbid my dad to talk to me and he was disappointed and hurt for his own reasons as well. The military guy cheated, we split, and I found a place to live. My mom reached out to me, only to tell me “I told you so” and didn’t even ask if I was ok. We had a nasty fight and didn’t talk until thanksgiving, after two months of not talking, and I reached out to her. Quite unexpectedly, along the way I fell in love with a man I married, and now we are trying to have a baby.

I know I need to tell my parents, since we talk every Saturday and text throughout the week. I just don’t know the logical reasons to tell them why I would elope and get involved. I mean, I know this is the man for me, we are stable and happy and healthy and I would hope that that would be enough for my parents. I don’t even want their approval even. I just don’t want to continue to be dishonest. Side note: they moved across the country and have invited me to at least visit, but don’t know I’m married.

Help? Thanks 💜