Breakups suck

So i just broke up with my boyfriend, i feel like i did the right thing but then i feel like i didnt. He was very controlling. Always said no to me even when i wasnt asking for permission. He’d basically suffocate me and wouldnt let me live. He acted as if i was his property simply because he gave me a promise ring. IM NOT ANYONES PROPERTY. He’d always say he’d change but never did. I got fed up, i told him how it was and it wasnt until i was breaking up with him he then started to fight for me. Like where was all this when we were together? Why change now? Why not change the minute i told you to change. I didnt want to see myself going through this 10 years from now. We dont have kids, we arent married, so i didnt have anything to lose. I chose me, and i know god will help me get through this.